While driving neighbor saw two suspects, one early 20's female and the other late 40's male, both white, standing on the corner waiting, checking their cell phones, looking down the street. Neighbor has lived in the area long enough to feel quite certain that they were waiting for a drug dealer. Neighbor slowed down, took their photo (seen above) and told them to get out of the neighborhood. They had a lively exchange with the neighbor, but then began walking toward N. 80th. A black Nissan came by, slowed down at the scene, and took off as soon as neighbor began to take a photo of the vehicle. Neighbor called 911, the subjects returned to the neighbor's car to exchange more words, but when they realized the police were being called, they again took off to 80th. The 911 operator advised the neighbor that there was nothing they could do because nothing had been witnessed and advised neighbor to leave the area immediately.