
2:45 pm Saturday, Nov. 7 suspicious activity

Neighbor reports on Saturday, Nov. 7, about 2:45 pm, seeing a car parked in the 900 block of N. 81st (between Linden and Aurora) with its headlights on but parked and with occupants seated inside. When it became apparent to neighbor that the car wasn't moving, neighbor realized that there was also a car parked directly behind it, also occupied and it appeared to neighbor that the two cars appeared to be waiting together for something.

Neighbor gave drivers of both cars long and deliberate looks while passing slowly and feels that they were spooked as both cars then left immediately after neighbor passed.

Both cars are described as older models and each appeared to have two Hispanic men seated inside, maybe in their 20's or 30's. One car was white (it may have been a small station wagon) and the other was a light blue compact. The license plate of the white car may have started with VUS

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