
Sunday, Nov. 1, 12:30 am, suspected drug dealing

Neighbor reports early Sunday morning (Halloween evening), suspected drug dealing on Linden Ave. N between 83rd and 84th streets. A blue or black 1990's Chevy Caprice Classic (looks like a police car) WA lic 640 UCY with two men in their late 20's and one woman were parked with the engine running.

The car had pulled onto Linden at 85th, then turned left on 84th, then drove back up 83rd, then pulled a U-turn before parking on Linden. Neighbor said wouldn't have paid attention, but it became strange when the car was circling.

Neighbor called police but the 911 operator was not able to take any information because of a city-wide police emergency (a Seattle police officer was shot and killed while on-duty in the Central District earlier that evening).

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